Providing financial freedom through real estate investing

Get access to real estate experts in South Florida to learn how you can buy, fix, flip, and develop your own real estate invesments

What We Do

Fix and Flip

We specialize in identifying undervalued properties, revitalizing them through strategic renovations, and swiftly reselling them for profitable returns in our fix and flip ventures.

First Time Home Buyer Program

We will teach you how to purchase your first home through down payment assistance, financial incentives, and educational resources

Land Development

Transforming raw land into usable lots or properties through processes like rezoning, site plan approval, permitting, infrastructure installation, and construction, aimed at increasing its value and utility.

we are NDRS

Anthony Martinez, a lifelong South Florida resident and Florida State Graduate, is a real estate investor, developer, and project manager with over 23 years of experience. With expertise in finance, management, and mortgage brokerage, he has flipped over 300 properties and manages 100+ real estate holdings across the southeastern United States. His strengths lie in analysis, design, development, and strategic planning, making him an integral part of the NDRS management team with a long-term commitment to real estate development.

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